
Welcome to My Photography Blog

Hello everyone! I recently began dabbling in photography. I purchased a camera in March and have already taken thousands of pictures in a few short months. No matter what I am doing, I find myself saying, "That would be a really cool shot!"

I have always had an interest in photography but have never been able to pursue it. I enjoy shooting structures, windmills, landscapes, my two Golden Retrievers and really anything in regard to Texas. As you will notice, my Texas roots have a strong influence on my photography. There is something intriguing about an old windmill that has pulled water out of the ground for years to sustain wildlife or a rusty barbed wire fence that has kept cattle from wondering too far. Nothing thrills me more than being able to enjoy the great Texas outdoors and possibly capture a little of it along the way. I would love to do portraiture someday, but we will see where it goes. If anything, it is something that relieves stress and I love to do.

I am an Accounting & Real Estate major at Baylor University and will graduate in December. I am marrying the love of my life this New Years Eve and cannot wait to take on the world with her. Shortly after our honeymoon, I start my job at a Public Accounting Firm in Dallas, Texas.

I am sure you are confused as to how a future accountant can find enough creativity to do photography. To tell the truth -- I can't tell you, but when I figure it out, I will let you know. Here are some photos I have taken over the past few months. I will continue to post new pictures so check back often. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Josh - love the new site - and i am proud of you for following your dreams and having a hobby! I promise this will keep you sane on those long nights at the J-O-B! Love you and these look great....Tammy Brooke
